Buying Homes, Condos or Townhomes & MLS Search

When you're looking to buy a home, condo or townhouse the first step is usually to start checking out what is available and narrow down areas in which to search. This is now made even easier than ever with direct access to the local MLS (Multiple Listing Service) online. If you're here to start your search online click here to email me a request for a custom search.

Get tips and advice on ways to be more successful at buying in the current market.

Successfully Selling Your Home, Condo or Townhouse

Find out what your home, condo or townhouse is worth.

Get the seller checklist prepared by Trulia.

Read tips & advice on things proven to help sell for a better price and faster.

Local Area Activities and Attractions


Where can you go to have fun? There are plenty of sports activities, concerts, amusement parks and other activities for visitors and residents. Read about some of the more popular ones in each category.

What are some of your options for grocery shopping? What malls are popular and have the stores you like to shop in? Find out more about the most common grocery stores and some of the better malls.

Most people coming to and going from the Tampa Bay area use Tampa International airport but for some people the St. Pete/Clearwater airport is more convenient and/or less expensive. Read a little more about both airports.